EVN e-VLBI Session 24e08 07-09 October 2024 (Version 2.0 01 October 2024) =========================== ================================================ Test start: UT 0900 07 Oct (Day 281) Nominal start: UT 1230 07 Oct (Day 281) Nominal stop: UT 1300 08 Oct (Day 282) ************** * SCHEDULE * ************** Code Band Pol Mb/s Telescopes Day UT Start UT Stop Comments ----- ---- --- ---- ---------------------------------- --- ----------------------- ------------------------- Test 6cm L+R 2048 Jb2 Wb1 On85 T6 Tr Ys Hh Ir Sr MER 281 0900(07/10)-1230(07/10) - EA077A 6cm L+R 2048 Jb2 Wb1 On85 T6 Tr Ys Hh Ir Sr MER 281 1230(07/10)-1830(07/10) 1st epoch RSB04 6cm L+R 2048 Jb2 Wb1 On85 T6 Tr Ys Hh Ir Sr --- 281 1830(07/10)-2230(07/10) Short Observation RM020 6cm L+R 2048 Jb2 Wb1 On85 T6 Tr Ys Hh Ir Sr --- 282 0500(08/10)-1300(08/10) ToO ************** * COMMENTS * ************** 1) Where possible, stations will run at the maximum available bit-rate. 2) Sv, Bd and Zc not available this session (unavailable) 3) Mc not available this session (maintenance) 4) Nt not available at C-band this session 5) Ef not available this session (engineering) ************************* * PROJECT INFORMATION * ************************* CODE INVESTIGATOR PROJECT HRS GST RANGE EMAIL CONTACT ====== ================ ===================== ==== ========= ================================= EA077A Atri J1840+0505 6.0 1337-1938 atri@astron.nl RSB04 Bloot Pulsing target 4.0 1938-2338 bloot@astron.nl RM020 Miller-Jones AT2022cmc 8.0 0609-1411 James.Miller-Jones@curtin.edu.au Possible trigger proposals: EB108 Burns Transient Masers 8.0 0000-2400 ross.burns@riken.jp EG133 Giroletti Einstein GRBs 1.0 0000-2400 marcello.giroletti@inaf.it EG134 Giarratana GW Events 1.0 0000-2400 stefano.giarratana94@gmail.com EM177 Miller-Jones Swift J1727.8-1613 6.0 1400-2000 james.millerjones@curtin.edu.au EN014 Nanci Blazar Jets/Neutrinos 8.0 0000-2400 cristina.nanci@inaf.it ET051 Troja Neutron Star Mergers 7.0 0000-2400 eleonora.troja@uniroma2.it ====================================================================================================== ************************************ * SCHEDULING EVN e-VLBI SESSIONS * ************************************ EVN e-VLBI sessions have a dual role: they support astronomical e-VLBI projects approved by the EVN Program Committee and also provide regular opportunities to test and develop the EVN e-VLBI capability. They are up to 24h in duration in order to support observations of sources at any Right Ascension. In the event that no suitable astronomical project is scheduled the runs will be reduced in duration and unused time reverts to the individual observatories for use by local programs. The final duration of the e-VLBI run will be decided at the latest by UT 1700 on the day before the start of the run. There are 3 classes of e-VLBI astronomical observation: Type 1: "normal" projects Type 2: "triggered" projects - to be scheduled only in the event that some predefined astronomical conditions are met. The required UT time interval may not be known in advance. Type 3: "short" (< 4h) observations (e.g. to test source compactness prior to a full proposal) which may be granted by the EVNPC Chair on request. Requests should be sent to the EVNPC Chair, with copies to the EVN Scheduler and JIVE (see below). The EVN Scheduler makes a block schedule for each e-VLBI session according to the scientific merit of the type 1 proposals. This will be the default observing schedule in the case that no proposals of type 2 are triggered. Based on the block schedule, JIVE staff produce the actual schedule for each project to be observed during the e-VLBI sessions. ******************************************************************** * * * PIs of scheduled projects should contact JIVE staff immediately * * * ******************************************************************** Type 3 projects (short observations) are inserted by the EVN Scheduler in the block schedule at a later stage (up to 3 weeks prior to the start of each e-VLBI session) subject to approval by the EVN PC Chair and availability of the requested observing time. JIVE staff will make the actual schedule for these additional observations accordingly. Trigger requests for proposals of type 2 should be sent by e-mail to the EVN PC Chair, with copies to the EVN Scheduler and JIVE/EXPReS (see below). These trigger requests must be received no later than 0800 UT the day before the e-VLBI run. The email should provide evidence that the trigger criterion in the original proposal has been met and give the exact GST range and source position requested. All requested technical parameters must match those in the original proposal. The PC Chairman will evaluate the trigger request (and decide on priorities if more than one conflicting trigger request is received) and will inform the PI by 1700 UT whether their experiment is to be observed. The experiment will then be scheduled by JIVE staff in accordance with the instructions given in the original proposal. Stations must have the new schedule in hand by UT 0700 on the day that the e-VLBI session starts. EVN PC Chair: Zsolt Paragi (zparagi@jive.eu) EVN Scheduler: Alastair Gunn (Alastair.Gunn@manchester.ac.uk) JIVE: Bob Campbell (campbell@jive.eu) Proposals of type 2 may replace other, already-scheduled projects if they require the same UT time range, provided that they have higher priority, as determined by the EVN PC. Type 1 projects which are replaced by higher priority type 2 projects may be eligible for re-scheduling in a subsequent e-VLBI session. ================================================================================================================