New EVN seminars on the way
The European VLBI Network (EVN) has successfully concluded its latest edition of online seminars, showcasing the power of Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) in astronomical research. Throughout the first half of 2024, the EVN hosted four engaging talks that brought cutting-edge VLBI results and developments to the broader astronomical community. These seminars covered a diverse range of topics, including wide-field VLBI imaging, LOFAR-VLBI results, masers, and the crucial efforts of the CRAF project to maintain a radio-interference-free sky for observations.
Nearly 300 participants tuned in to watch the talks in real-time, demonstrating the strong interest in VLBI techniques and results across the astronomical community. Even more remarkably, the recorded sessions have already accumulated over 700 views in the public YouTube recordings, highlighting the value of these presentations for researchers and enthusiasts alike long after the actual seminars.
Do not miss the new edition of EVN Seminars that will start in the fall. Meanwhile you can rewatch all the previous seminars.